Helping people-focused managers develop leadership presence & coach-centric leadership skills.
Whether your a new manager, entrepreneur, parent, or by chance all of the above you get bombarded with voices and influences that can cloud your judgment and disconnect you from your inner wisdom.
Being disconnected from your intuition drains your energy and increases your stress preventing you from being the leader in your career and life that you envision. Making you question at times whether you are a good leader at all.
When you tap into the power that lies within and become aware of the subconscious perceptions, feelings, and beliefs that are draining your energy, you begin to realize that you are more than a leader you are destined to be a leader your team, friends, and family want to follow. The greatness within you is waiting to be unleashed as you realize your potential, and create the thoughts and emotions that empower you to take action in your life and those you influence.
To influence others and create change, you need to be more than a leader you need to become a Leader Worth Following!
"No matter where you go you take yourself with you"
-Gain Clarity
-Assess your leadership energy
-Identify your leadership gaps
-Nail down your ideal image
"Where your focus goes your energy flows"
-Break ineffective patterns
-Develop life-changing habits
-Take personal responsibility
-Develop leadership P.R.E.S.E.N.C.E
"Everybody can be great because everybody can serve" (MLK Jr.)
-Improve listening skills
-Learn to coach your team
-Become a servant leader
-Get results

Kristin Potler, Exec. Dir YWAM Baltimore
Jamon is a leader among leaders! This man not only leads with integrity but also has a gift for helping others discover their strengths and has a natural ability to help train, develop and equip people to walk in their full potential. Jamon is professional, punctual and honest.

Derek Thompson, Amazon Brand Protection, Co-founder at Brand Guarde
I have seen Jamon speak a number of times at various events. He has great wisdom to offer in areas of personal development, and career growth. I highly recommend Jamon for coaching, public speaking, and any type of strategic business planning.

Brian Walker, SOCOM Ammunitions Officer
Jamon has a dynamic and charismatic personality. He has that "it" factor and can lead anybody.

Sherry Hayes, PMI San Diego Conference Planner
Jamon is an experienced and confident motivator, leader, and speaker that engages his audience and takes them to the next level! I was very impressed with his ability to not only captivate his experienced project management audience of about 60 attendees from multiple and diverse industries, but to also actively engage them in group activities that reinforced listening and leadership principles related to his session topic "Level Up Your Listening."